Now Putin’s comments on the Ukraine...
Does he know the difference between truth and lies?
If there were an award for equivocation
He would win the number one prize.
Those men in unmarked uniforms are
Not Russian soldiers, he maintains.
Then—oops—we find out a little later
They are Russia’s soldiers and not the Ukraine’s.
In the Ukraine there are no Russian troops,
Putin says, knowing there’d be repercussions.
Then we find out a little bit later
They ARE there to “protect” the ethnic Russians.
Then Snowden asks Putin if the government intercepts
The Russian people’s communications.
Of course not, says Putin, Russian laws
Wouldn’t allow such abominations!
Does Putin think that we were born yesterday?
Does he believe that we’re all that naive?
Since when has he cared about human rights?
You never know what he has up his sleeve.
Will other countries see Russian soldiers
And Russian tanks make their advance?
At what point will Putin have to “protect”
Ethnic Russians in Poland or France?
By Bob B (4-23-14)
By Bob B (4-23-14)