Is Sarah Palin in the spotlight again?
Oh, how she devours that attention!
To that add the dollars she makes—
Not a mere pittance, need I mention?
She waves her American flag,
Calling all of her followers to rally,
And then spouts off more inane phrases
Than I could possibly tally.
“Sarah, we love you!” they yell.
“Sarah, you are our savior!”
Do they not see how their fawning
Encourages her obnoxious behavior?
She says that for certain the country
Is heading in the wrong direction.
Her jingoistic solutions
Came out in the 0-8 election.
You would never really know it
If she had some insightful suggestions,
For in her many interviews
She’ll talk all around people’s questions.
She was asked where she got information—
What sources she would peruse.
There was nothing! Was she too embarrassed
To admit it was ONLY Fox News?
Yes, I still wonder how she—
With her voice so piercing and brittle—
Can talk and talk so much
And actually say so little.By Bob B (3-31-14)