Thursday, April 24, 2014

Have People Gone Quite Mad?

What a sad day for the State of Georgia—
Can any bozo there get a gun?—
When the state loosened gun restrictions!
How much sense does this make? None!

This growing fascination with weapons
That we can observe occurring here
Puts us all in greater danger
As reasoning faculties disappear.

“Protect yourselves from the bad guys with weapons”;
“More guns will make us safer,” they say.
You don’t have to be a genius to see
The powerful influence of the NRA.

The gun lobbyists have wily convinced
The American people that our gun law fights
Are all about protecting what
They think are Second Amendment rights.

Billionaires and lobbyists control
Our nation with the ludicrous pretense
That they’re looking out for our best interest—
A major affront to our common sense!

Smarter—NOT unrestricted—laws
Are the kinds of laws that will protect us
And not foolhardy legislation
To which our paranoid leaders subject us.

What a slap in the face to someone
Who’s lost a loved one in a violent killing!
The callous indifference of firearm fanatics
Is not only scary but also bone chilling.

So guns everywhere will protect our kids?
Sandy Hook should be a reminder.
Have people gone quite mad, or what?
Instead of seeing clearly, many have grown blinder.

By Bob B (4-24-14)