Fred Phelps kicked the bucket today.
His sojourn on Earth is now over.
I can't say I'll feel very sad
When his body lies under the clover.
But I also refuse to rejoice,
For that would be wicked and spiteful.
But knowing he can't spew more venom
Is just on the verge of delightful.
No, I won't dance on his grave,
Throw confetti, or wave angry banners.
Why would I want to display
Behavior that mirrors his bad manners?
If I'm not assuming too much,
I suppose that his family is sad.
Though many, on hearing the news,
Are probably feeling quite glad.
He seemed to enjoy the attention
And knowing that people despised him.
I wonder what evil possessed him....
Who trained him and grimly advised him?
Too bad that he let all his anger
Consume him and make him so hateful.
There's one thing about which I'm certain:
For not having known him, I'm grateful.
He believed in a God that is vengeful,
Merciless, angry, and severe--
Who lacks kindness and compassion
And is devoid of love and good cheer.
It's sad when you think how he managed
To poison so many a young mind
With odious, deceptive, sick teachings
And actions so cruel and unkind.
To think of the sadness he caused
Is honestly really deplorable.
To picket the funerals of soldiers
And others is far beyond horrible!
Now that he's left us forever
And waits at the "Gates" for a nod,
Whom does he see there? Satan?
Or will he be gazing at God?By Bob B (3-20-14)