Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Affordable Care Act

Despite great controversy for years
The Affordable Care Act’s now in place.
And we all know that the enrollment period
Commenced with a certain lack of grace.

For months we heard on the TV and radio
Of dire predictions; they also went viral.
The naysayers, hoping for an ACA failure,
Constantly harped on its inevitable death spiral.

Nine point five million now have insurance—
Many of whom didn’t have it before.
Let’s be grateful that people have coverage
Instead of seeking out more faults galore.

Yes, nine point five meets the projected numbers—
At least at the moment that’s how it looks—
But some people now, who don’t like the program,
Say that the government is cooking the books.

Of course, the insurance and medical companies
Both could play hardball to make the plan fail
By raising their prices and insurance premiums—
A despicable tactic that we should assail.

And as it now stands the program’s not perfect
But naysayers—instead of trying to nix it—
Should find ways to work together with those
Who are willing to tweak it and basically fix it.

By Bob B (4-1-14)