Piers Morgan said his good-byes
On his CNN interview show.
He took the opportunity
To deliver gun violence a blow.
In a manner very direct
His insightful points were stated.
Gun violence in America
Is a problem often debated.
One of our biggest problems
Is the manner that the NRA
Bullies the American people
And cleverly leads them astray.
“More guns will limit the violence.”
“We need guns in our schools.”
“Guns don’t kill people; it’s people.”
Do they actually think we’re all fools?
The issue’s not just about rights.
The gun sellers bewail
Any loss of revenue
That comes from not making a sale.
And some people spread silly rumors
That the government has up its sleeve
A plot to confiscate weapons.
How can they be so naive?
The gun lobby with all its power
And smugly using its sway,
“Encourages” the politicians
To give their ideas a yea.
The second Amendment is cited
With arguments captious and smarmy,
To justify multiple weapons.
But who needs enough for an army?
And furthermore, what is the problem
With enforcing gun registration,
Or restricting the sale of bullets
That cause extreme mutilation?
And automatic weapons?
How much sense does it make
To support their proliferation?
Come on. Please give me a break!
Don’t Sandy Hook or Aurora
Mean anything at all?
How many more children must die
Before we have the wherewithal
To speak up and put our foot down
Out of caring and love for this nation?
To those who do, I applaud;
I give them a standing ovation.
By Bob B (3-29-14)
By Bob B (3-29-14)