Have you ever heard of the writer
Who went by the name of Ayn Rand?
If not, it’s likely because
Her works aren’t much in demand.
Reason’s the only means
Of acquiring knowledge, she said;
And people who believe in religion
Are foolish and terribly misled.
She said that the individual
Should exist for his own sake;
She hated social programs,
And big government made her quake.
Unbridled capitalism
With no regulations
Was the economic system
That met her expectations.
Despite all of her writings
And her self-proclaimed surety,
She ended up fairly poor,
Living on social security.
You’ll find that Rand’s ideas
Have a familiar ring,
For some politicians share them—
Some from the far right wing.
Ayn Rand is the inspiration
For Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, and some cronies;
But a funny inconsistency
Is evident in these phonies:
From the party that says it’s founded
On Christian values, these guys
Ironically chose an atheist
As a figure to idolize.By Bob B (4-15-14)