(This poem can be sung to the melody of the old folk song "Tom Dooley.")
What did you want, Ned Kelly?°
What gave you grounds for hope?
Well, Ned, it can't be fun when
You're hanging from a rope.
Bushranger°° Harry Power…
Was he a loyal mate?
They say he was your mentor
Who led you to your fate.
Victims of persecution--
That's what you said you were.
Victims of your gang's horse theft
Would not at all concur.
Bush larrikins°°° were suspect.
Rather than get a job
You chose a different path when
You joined the Greta Mob.
Some say you were a hero
Who thought he was doing good.
You said the poor need justice;
You were their Robin Hood.
Others call you an outlaw,
Killer, and evil guy.
You killed with no compunction,
So you deserved to die.
What did you want, Ned Kelly?°
What gave you grounds for hope?
Well, Ned, it can't be fun when
You're hanging from a rope.
Your gang shot three policemen
Camped at Stringybark Creek.
Who then would put a stop to
Your game of hide and seek?
You murdered Aaron Sherritt;°°°°
You thought he was a snitch.
Maybe you learned your lesson:
Karma could be a bitch.
There at your final shootout
You lost your loyal friends.
Well, Ned, you learned that it was
Too late to make amends.
Right after you were sentenced,
Your judge made it his goal
To say he hoped that God would
Have mercy on your soul.
What he said didn't faze you.
You countered blow for blow.
You turned to him and said, "I'll
See you there where I go."
They led you to the gallows.
Different reporters said
What words you might have spoken
Before the rope fell, Ned.
What did you want, Ned Kelly?°
What gave you grounds for hope?
Well, Ned, it can't be fun when
You're hanging from a rope.
-by Bob B (5-16-24)
°Famous Australian outlaw (1854-1880)
°°Australians who took up "robbery under arms" and used the bush as their base
°°°Rowdies who defied social and political conventions
°°°°An associate of Ned Kelly's gang of outlaws