Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Language Limericks


Whether or not you seek glory,

Whenever you're writing a story,

You'll know on the double

That you're in big trouble

If you confuse "hoary"° with "whorey."


°definition: old and trite



It's really quite shocking to me

When speakers of English can't see

What they convey

Whenever they

Use "him" when they ought to use "he."



They say the subjunctive° is dying.

If I said, "Who cares?" I'd be lying.

If I were you,

I'd do what I do:

Perfect it! At least I'd keep trying.


°The subjunctive mood expresses wishes, suggestions, demands, or desires.


-Past Participle-

To another thing I must ask "Why?"

To the past participle, say "Bye!"

Why don't folks give a damn

When they say "We have swam,"

"He has ran," "I have drank"? My, oh, my!


-Past Perfect-

The past perfect tense I can tell

Can cause people problems as well.

Some folks abuse it;

Some just don't use it.

Use "had" with the past par…. Ah, hell!

-by Bob B (5-28-24)

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