Thursday, May 2, 2024

He Calls His Behavior Nice?

During a recent interview,

Donald Trump presented a slice

Of what he would do in a second term.

Before, he said, he was far too nice.


Nice? My goodness! If that's what he calls

Being nice, then when he's mean

He will be a thousand times

More obnoxious and more obscene!


He says he'll use the military

To round up millions for deportation,

As though hard-working immigrants

Are a serious threat to our nation!


Funds appropriated by Congress--

He says---he will refuse to release.

The functions of the office that studies

Possible future pandemics will cease.


Our independent judiciary

Soon will be a thing of the past,

For Trump will control the DOJ.

Its role under him will be recast.


States will be able to monitor

Pregnancies, he says; what's more,

The number of prosecutions of those

Defying abortion bans will soar.


He will deploy the national guard

To any place that he sees fit.

His staff will have to back the Big Lie;

Good riddance to those who challenge it.


He plans to gut the civil service.

Loyalty and THAT alone

Will be what he demands of all--

The image for all to bow down to: his own.


On hearing Trump's alarming words,

It's really hard to comprehend

That if you love democracy,

How your hair would NOT stand on end.

-by Bob B (5-2-24)

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