Saturday, May 11, 2024

Missing Ed

Ed was my mom's first cousin by marriage.

Thus, I guess to me,

First cousin once removed

By marriage he had to be.


He lived most of his life in the Land

Of Enchantment: New Mexico,

Where mesas and rugged mountains tower

And wailing desert winds blow.


I loved the phone conversations I had

With Ed and my cousin, for they

Were charming relatives who always

Had so much to say.


Separated by 800 miles,

We had to resort to the phone

To stay in touch, and when she died

And Ed was on his own,


We continued our phone conversations.

It was a sheer delight

To hear the knowledge and wisdom expounded

By someone so wise and bright.


Ed was a man of science and reason

And could get a little bit snarky

When people expressed unfounded beliefs.

Religion to him was malarkey.


We are saved by reason and NOT

By a mythological god.

Myths are fine if understood

As myths, but they are flawed.


He felt that sadly too many people

Do not use their brains.

Instead of trusting reason, they are

Bound by religious chains.


If I brought up astrology

Or Tarot willy nilly,

Ed would laugh and say that he

Found them just as silly.


Ed would say that reason should guide

Politics as well.

Too many people share the home

Where folly and ignorance dwell.


Whether or not you agreed with him,

You could always be sure

That when you conversed, you'd be on

A fascinating tour.


Ed wanted to donate his body

To science after his death

And made arrangements to do so once

He took his final breath.


In December 2022,

He peacefully died in his sleep.

Great times and great conversations are

The memories I'll keep.


I think about what a character

He was and have to laugh.

"A man who wouldn't put up with nonsense"

Should be his epitaph.


-by Bob B (5-11-24)

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