The hush money trial continues in court
While Trump's in the midst of electioneering.
Based on what witnesses there are saying,
This is a tidbit of what we've been hearing:
Allen Weisselberg° went to McConney°°
And said to send money to Michael Cohen,
Who had borrowed money to pay
Stormy Daniels. The money's now flowin'.
Stormy Daniels, of course, is the porn star
With whom Trump had an intimate fling.
The fling itself is not illegal;
However, the hush money is, ka-ching!
Trump signed the checks that went to his "Fixer,"
For Cohen expected to be reimbursed.
Deep in the pool of complicity,
Trump and Cohen both were immersed.
Nine of the checks that Trump had signed
Came from his personal bank account.
The money that Cohen received in return
From Trump was even a larger amount.
Criminal conspiracy!
Hush money paid before an election
To wrongly influence election results!
In THIS case it has a salacious connection.
To mix a couple figures of speech,
There is a saying in Latin that goes
"Penis erectus non habet conscientiam."°°°
Yep, that hits it right on the nose!
For his involvement, Cohen was found
Guilty and served his sentence. Let's see
If Trump will find a way to finagle
A not-guilty verdict and get off scot-free.
-by Bob B (5-8-24)
°Trump's former financial chief
°°Jeffrey McConney, former Trump Organization employee
°°°"An erect penis has no conscience."