Friday, May 31, 2024

34 Counts!

Donald Trump, convicted felon…

We know it's power for which he thirsts.

Craving attention, he's also managed

To earn for himself a number of firsts:


The first U.S. president

Impeached by the House, not once but twice!

(He always has to one-up himself.

For MOST presidents, just ONCE would suffice.)


The first former president

Tried and convicted on thirty-four counts!

(While ONE would be enough for most,

We know how much he loves AMOUNTS.)


The first convicted felon running

For the office of U.S. president!

(How many firsts can this man handle--

This New York/Florida resident?)


Our justice system is catching up

With Donald Trump, and it's about time.

For many years the man's been able

To get away with crime after crime.


But once again he'll play the martyr--

Especially now that he's been convicted--

Even though his constant troubles

And suffering are self-inflicted.


Thirty-four counts! But wait, for there

Are more indictments. Will there be

More convictions down the road?

We will have to wait and see.

-by Bob B (5-31-24)

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