Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

Back in January this year,

Sergeant Kennedy Sanders was killed.

Today for all her dear loved ones,

The hole in their hearts remains unfilled.


Assigned to a military outpost

In Jordan, she and her team became

Targets of a drone attack.

Islamic terrorists were to blame.


Operation Inherent Resolve

Was a mission to combat hate--

The hate that's being perpetuated

By groups such as the Islamic State.


Rebuilding infrastructure was

Why the engineers were there.

The threat of danger was always something

For which the soldiers had to prepare.


Just one day prior to

The day that Kennedy met her end,

She and her mom had talked about

The kinds of Girl Scout cookies to send.


How sad! Because of fanaticism,

Countless innocent people have died.

Religious extremism proves to be

A giant thorn in humanity's side.


Unfortunately, the suffering

Is NOT just caused by militant groups.

Sometimes fanatic leaders cause grief

Through bombing raids and sending out troops.


Kennedy's friends and family

Will sadly but proudly make their way

To Kennedy's grave where they will leave

Flowers on this Memorial Day.

-by Bob B (5-27-24)

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