Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day 1998

The year was 1998.

The day to celebrate my mother

In retrospect turned out to be

A day unlike any other.


Not because that Mother's Day

Was from any observation

Unique in form or different from

Any previous celebration.


No, that day was different, for

No matter how much in vain I'd strive

To turn back the clock, that day was

The last I saw my mother alive.


If only I had known, I would

Have had the greatest party of all

With music blaring, food galore,

And party guests from wall to wall.


That's what my mother would have deserved.

For her, however, it would suffice

Merely to be with family.

Reflecting on this, I have some advice.


When you're with family and friends,

This rule should be hard and fast:

Act as though that day together

Very well could be your last.


Show them your appreciation,

Love, devotion, and heartfelt concern.

Demonstrate your loving-kindness,

And you'll receive it in return.


The best way now to celebrate

My mom in actuality

Would be for me to be the person

She'd have wanted me to be.


Having our moms in our memories

And hearts is fine, but one thing's clear:

As wonderful as that might be,

It's not the same as having her here.

-by Bob B (5-12-24)

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