Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Under Attack

The recent assault on our voting rights
Takes manipulation to ultimate heights.
Since 2010, twenty-two states—
Red states especially—have opened the gates
To laws restricting the rights of voters—
Supported by cunning rights-tromping promoters
Who try to justify with fatuous excuses
Their attack on what they call “voting abuses.”
The actual rate of our voter fraud
Is INFINITESIMAL. Yet how very odd:
The restrictions have slyly disenfranchised
Minorities, students, and seniors—Surprised?—
Precisely the ones who tend not to dote
On a right-wing candidate when casting a vote.
The REAL fraud here comes from politicians
Hell-bent on undemocratic missions
To take away rights under the guise
Of protecting our nation. Beware of their lies!
Too bad more people can’t see through the schlock
And perceive how these new voting laws are a crock.

By Bob B (7-15-14)