Thursday, July 31, 2014

In the News - 7-31-14: Total Craziness!

Tell me: Are you sitting down?
If not, you’d better do it now.
Every day we hear crazy stories,
But this one is a real WOW!

Michele Bachmann, the Queen of Insanity,
Went to Texas to investigate
The influx of Central American kids
Trying to cross our border of late.

Regarding the humanitarian crisis,
Bachmann has come to a bizarre conclusion
As to why so many kids have come here—
The reason for this massive intrusion.

The kids are here—Bachmann explains—
At President Obama’s urgent request
In order to become MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS!
Is she CRAZY, or is she possessed?

Remember that just a few years ago
Bachmann had fanned the irrational fears
Of the connection between vaccinations
And autism. Now it really appears

That she has lost it. Her paranoia
Has driven her quite mad—if you please.
To her, these “addicts” bring to our country
A ghastly “pandemic of disease.”

Does Bachmann think we were born yesterday?
Surely she must, for she’s got some gall.
Instead of making such asinine statements,
It’s best that she say nothing at all!


Certainly you’ve heard of Lois Lerner—
The woman who worked for the IRS
And headed the division of tax-exempt groups
And became involved in a “scandal,” or mess.

Her referring to some right-wing groups as “crazies”
Made people think she was out of control.
She also referred to certain individuals
By using a word that ends with “hole.”

To tell the truth, some of those groups
Deserve to be scrutinized if there is doubt
As to their valid tax-exempt status
And what their mission is all about.

Regarding her use of the word “crazy,”
That was really not going too far.
To a certain extent, she wasn’t wrong:
Some of those right-wing groups truly are.

By Bob B (7-31-14)