(on the Joan Baez Concert, July 3, 2014, at the Greek
Stepping onto the open-air stage,
She who knew how to fight for a cause
Graciously acknowledged the thunderous applause—
An indicator of love, a gauge
For Joan.
—“Flora, the Lily of the West...”*
Her music carried me back through the years
To see a kid devouring her songs
Of love and promise, of rights and wrongs,
And entering new, exciting frontiers
With Joan.
—“There but for fortune go you, go I...”
Her voice—now lower—soft and smooth,
Gently embraced the summer night
With melodies that could calm or excite,
Powerfully lift one’s spirits, and soothe...
Thanks to Joan.
—“We both know what memories can bring: they bring
diamonds and rust...”
Entranced by her compassionate heart,
I felt my admiration rise
For someone who always opened my eyes
To hope when things were falling apart—
For Joan.
—“The water is wide, I cannot get o’er...”
How many encores did she sing
With the Indigo Girls? I now forget.
Nonetheless, I’m in their debt
For the chance to hear their voices ring
With Joan’s.
—“Virgil Caine is the name and I served on the Danville
Journeys continue; the roads may be rough.
Even though challenges always abound,
Let despair NEVER gain ground.
I’ve learned one can never do enough...
From Joan.
—“Gracias a la vida...”
By Bob B (7-4-14)
By Bob B (7-4-14)