Supreme Court MALES in a five-to-four decision
Ruled that SOME corporations could choose
WHICH types of contraception
Through health insurance an employee could use.
One person’s beliefs having precedence over another’s
Is a message coming from the decision.
No matter how you feel about the issue,
The results will lead to greater division.
In observing the case, one really must wonder
If there's not a glaring CONTRADICTION
With Hobby Lobby’s pushing forward
A complaint disguised as religious conviction.
Certain types of contraception
Are the targets of said corporation.
But there seem to be a double standard
And a highly questionable justification:
They want to limit women’s access
To prescriptions on religious grounds,
But the greater reality discloses how
Ludicrous their reasoning sounds.
For Hobby Lobby, selling cheap products
Purchased from China is no disgrace,
Despite the fact that in China each year
MILLIONS of abortions are taking place.
By Bob B (7-1-14)
By Bob B (7-1-14)