Saturday, July 12, 2014

Those Soaps!

Okay, I will admit that occasionally
I’ll watch a soap opera or two on TV.
But I ONLY watch them in SPANISH or GERMAN.
Maybe that’s not your cup of tea.

The stories are often predictable and corny.
The acting can often be histrionic,
With characters crying at the drop of a hat.
Some are likable; some are demonic.

There’s always a hero who saves the day
And a villain whose tactics make us irate;
There’s always the good person whom we love
And also the bad one whom we hate.

How much the actors rehearse, I don’t know;
But they always seem to know their lines.
When they are supposed to look good, they look great.
And the women are often dressed to the nines.

The actors know how to work the audience—
To make people laugh and to make them cry.
And, yes, I’m often caught in the trap,
And I shed a few tears. Don’t ask me why.

Always intrigued by the manipulative characters,
I wonder: Will truth and goodness prevail?
Does poetic justice really exist?
Or is it merely an old fairy tale?

Honest and true are some of the characters;
Others are full of deceit and lies.
The plots are full of misunderstandings.
Every so often, expect a surprise.

Some of the actors are very attractive;
Some are plain, and so it goes.
But most are good at persuading their audience
To believe what they’re saying—at that they are pros.

We often become attached to the actors;
Some enter the show and then soon are gone.
Once in a while monotony sets in
When the story goes on, and on, and on.

With so much happening—Hey, wait a minute!
Corny? Predictable? Histrionic? Same ol’ drill?
Am I talking about soap operas here,
Or am I talking about CAPITOL HILL?

By Bob B (7-12-14)