How sad for the poor PALESTINIAN people—
Victims of Israeli rocket attacks
Aimed at alleged Hamas targets
And pounding Gaza to the max.
How sad for the poor ISRAELI people
Who are trying to live their lives day by day—
Who are targets of Palestinian rockets—
A constant barrage being sent their way.
How sad for the poor PALESTINIAN mother
Who lost her daughter when the hospital was hit
By Israeli rockets, scattering shrapnel;
She wonders what makes such killing legit.
How sad for the poor ISRAELI mother
Whose son was killed by Palestinian thugs.
She will NEVER see her son grow older
And will miss his laughter, his love, his hugs.
The PALESTINIAN mother shouts out,
“I hate them. I hate them. May they all die!”
“They do NOT deserve to live!”
The ISRAELI mom cries with her fist to the sky.
How sad for ALL PEOPLE caught in between
The violent struggles of extremist groups
And aggressive, intransigent ruling powers
With powerful weapons and well-trained troops.
How sad for ALL who lose lives or loved ones
Or who must watch with a broken heart
While everything starts to crumble around them
As their helpless worlds fall apart.
Bullets and bombs are not diplomacy;
Violence and killing are for heartless fools.
Innocent people should not be targets,
Nor their places of worship or schools.
What about diplomatic solutions—
Of working things out so that people can thrive?
What is accomplished by being a martyr?
We can do more good by staying alive.
Each death means that anger and hatred
Will fester and grow and surely extend
The never-ceasing violence and destruction.
When will these hateful blood feuds end?
By Bob B (7-26-14)
By Bob B (7-26-14)