Friday, July 18, 2014

Some Americans Are Good at Being Ugly

Some Americans are good at being ugly.
You wonder if they are showing their true face
When they spew hatred and pour out their anger—
Showing a lack of compassion and grace.

“Welcoming” people who are fleeing their countries
With signs of “GO HOME!” or “ You’re not welcome here!”
Is reprehensible, considering that many—
Especially the children—have fled out of fear.

Some politicians liken those seeking refuge
To “invaders” and say that they’re “like a disease.”
Before even hearing the children’s stories,
Their minds are made up; they see DEPORTEES.

America has suffered from discrimination
Directed toward immigrants, as we all know.
Benjamin Franklin at one time thought we
Had too many Germans and ought to say “Whoa!”

Not always treated nicely, the Irish
Struggled, as well as did many Jews.
The Chinese were sometimes forced into ghettos,
Seen with suspicion, and considered bad news.

During World War II Japanese citizens
Were forced into camps. And don’t forget
That many insecure Americans have found
Our Latino immigrants an unwelcome threat.

Some people have not learned from our history
And continue to repeat mistakes from the past.
Behavior indicative of a great country
Should model respect and not leave us aghast.

The Americans who are ranting and being so ugly
Should look INWARD and be self-analytical,
The country could then earn the status it deserves,
With a people more tolerant and less hypocritical.

By Bob B (7-18-14)