A traveler needing help decided
It would be handy to rent an ass.
He found someone and made a deal.
Observe what then came to pass:
The owner of the ass followed behind
To drive the animal along on its way.
A few hours later the traveler and owner
Decided to rest; it was a hot day.
The traveler spied the ass's shadow,
Which was the coolest place he could find.
"Oh, no you don't," the owner said.
"That is MY spot, if you don't mind."
"Since," said the traveler, "I'm renting the
"The shadow belongs to me as well."
"You're renting the ass--NOT its shadow!"
Exclaimed the owner. "You go to hell!"
Ooh, the argument grew tense and heated
And eventually led to shoving and blows.
Instead of seeking a compromise,
The two men acted like a couple of schmoes.
Suddenly, it dawned upon the men:
The ass was gone; it had run away.
The fight continued; each man said
The other one would have to pay.
What is the moral of the story?
If you are wise, surely you’ll wish you
Could focus less on the minor "shadow"
And more on the real, essential issue.
When we consider what is important,
There is a lesson for the masses:
You will likely be left in the lurch
If you place too much trust in asses.
By Bob B (11-6-14)
*An Aesop tale retold here in verse
*An Aesop tale retold here in verse
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