Friday, November 28, 2014

Identity Crisis?

Are we facing an identity crisis?
America has some soul-searching to do.
Our land of diversity must reexamine
Itself from multiple points of view.

Recent protests in Ferguson, Missouri,
And across our vast country all show
That ignoring the needs of the people creates
A powder keg that eventually will blow.

The unrest is not about one incident:
A policeman's shooting of Michael Brown.
We must examine the larger picture
To see what it is that's weighing us down.

Too often we allow problems to fester
Instead of lightening the heavy load
By addressing important matters directly
Before they dangerously explode.

Minimizing issues of human rights
Won't make problems disappear.
Injustice and inequality have continued
To plague our country year after year.

Are we so caught up in our little lives,
Limited by rumors and petty complaints,
That we're unable to hear the cries
Of those who are burdened by society's constraints?

Are we isolated in our busy worlds,
Seeing but NOT paying attention
Because of indifference? Our lack of caring
Leads to greater misapprehension.

Perpetuating myths, applying labels,
And prejudging others on each person's part
Will keep our country from moving forward.
Efforts to change must come from the heart.

A hardy, earnest, honest dialogue
With innovative suggestions for change
And our desire to work together
Should not be completely out of our range.

The road to freedom has potholes and bends;
Lest moving forward get out of control,
The road must be kept in good repair
And we MUST keep our eyes on our goal.

When we ask ourselves who we are,
What is the answer? You make the call.
Are we a nation with privileges for some,
Or a nation with liberty and justice for all?

By Bob B (11-28-14)