Substance and style!
Please give me
Substance and style.
Where would we be without
Substance and style?
What a great goal!
It's something that I'll
Strive to achieve--
I hope without guile.
I'll even walk
That extra mile
For a balance of substance and
Substance without style
Falls flat on the spot.
It's colorless and lifeless,
And it happens a lot.
You can observe it
In all types of art.
The critics just love
To tear it apart.
Substance without style
Numbs the senses;
It's one of art's
Major offenses.
It's plodding, vapid,
Shoddy and cheap.
AND what's more,
It puts you to sleep.
Substance and style….
Style without substance
Suggests that there's flair,
But since there's no substance,
There's not much else there.
It's sequins and fluff--
A simple façade.
Its raison d'être
Is just to defraud.
Style without substance
Bores us as well.
Pretentious and phony,
It sounds the death knell.
Artists beware:
Stay out of the trap.
And don't come crying
If your work is crap.
Substance and style….
Substance and style,
When balanced correctly
With grace and finesse
And circumspectly,
Will give your creation
The oomph it should need
To capture your audience.
Therefore, take heed.
Substance and style
Should stimulate the brain,
Titillate the senses,
And, yes, entertain.
Let's hope we encounter
At least once in a while
A work that has
Substance and style!
Substance and style….
By Bob B (11-24-14)