Friday, November 21, 2014

It's About Time

It's about time someone took action
On comprehensive immigration reform.
The President made an executive decision,
And, oh, my goodness: Look at the storm!

Having neglected immigration issues
For a number of years--while they had their chance--
The do-nothing legislators failed to act
And then dared the President to take a stance.

"King Obama," some Republicans say,
"Has torn asunder the Constitution."
The "tyrant," they add, "through imperial actions"
Will incite anarchy and revolution.

The President has "poisoned the well,"
Some critics say, which sticks in my craw.
The politicians should get off their duffs
And work together to pass a law.

But no, they'd rather complain and blame,
Attack, accuse, spread ill-will,
And threaten legal action or impeachment--
Everything BUT work on a bill.

Some of the Republican lawmakers are behaving
NOT unpredictably or mysteriously.
It’s incredible that they don’t seem to care
Whether the people take them seriously.

The focus is keeping families together
And assuaging fears of deportation
Of many undocumented immigrants
Who experience daily intimidation.

I agree that our system is broken
And has been broken for many years.
We need a smart and humane solution:
Not one based on bigotry and fears.

The initial step in immigration reform
Leaves the lawmakers now with a task:
Reasonable laws and a path to citizenship.
Would that be too much for us to ask?

By Bob B (11-21-14)