Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Poetry Trolls

Trolls abound on the Internet,

Creeping out of the dark, like moles.

The ones who lurk on poetry sites

Are better known as poetry trolls.


Poetry trolls attack other poets

With their combative analyses.

Their belligerent behavior

Borders on what might be a disease.

The often feel compelled to respond,

As though they have to give their two cents.

The pat they give themselves on the back

Must be a form of recompense.


Offering nonconstructive comments

Is one of their central attributes.

They think they're being insightful, but

Instead, they come off sounding like brutes.


Nasty, vicious, they seem to thrive

On looking for folks to demean or attack.

It's almost as though these people are trying

To compensate for something they lack.


Are their lives so miserable,

Or are they so deeply insecure

That showing restraint in commenting

Is more than these poor souls can endure?


In dealing with these crazy people,

Frankly, you simply cannot go wrong

If you ignore their comments and dump them

Into the trash can where they belong.

-by Bob B (1-19-22)