Saturday, January 8, 2022

Passing the Litmus Test

If you plan to run for an office

With an R that follows your name,

The GOP must know you are

Completely willing to play its game.


If you do not follow the rules,

You'll find that you will be hard-pressed

To win elections nationwide.

To win there is a litmus test.


You must adhere to three ideas--

Three things that you cannot do.

First, opposing Trump's election

Lies would be the end of you.


Next, you cannot criticize

The U.S. Capitol insurrection

Of January 6 last year.

Condemn it and you'll face rejection.


Finally, if you oppose

Political violence, you will see

That you just don't fit in at all

With the current GOP.


A cult of personality

Is what the Party has become.

Winning culture wars is now

The Party's golden rule of thumb.


Pass the litmus test and your

Chances of winning will be greater.

Lack of integrity? What about that?

You can worry about that later.

-by Bob B (1-8-22)