Tuesday, January 11, 2022

On Scammers

I often wonder how anyone

Can scam other people and call it fun.

How can someone dupe others and be

Content with causing adversity?


What is it about them that makes

Scammers act like cold-hearted snakes?

They hiss, "Honesty be damned!”

How would they like it if they were being scammed?


Like hungry snakes they lie in wait

Until their prey land on their "plate."

They spring as soon as their targets come near,

Before the poor victims can even show fear.


Failing to notice the forms of disguise,

The unwary victims are caught by surprise.

It doesn’t matter how victims feel

Since the snakes’ focus is their next meal.


Scammers and snakes are slimy; that’s true.

But maybe we shouldn't equate the two.

Perhaps it's an insult to snakes to maintain

That they and scammers are in the same vein.


Having no conscience, scammers are scum.

Their minds are selfish; their hearts are numb.

They do not care which rules they subvert;

They couldn't care less if people get hurt.


If I believed in hell, I would say

That that’s where scammers deserve to stay,

Though fire and brimstone and all that stuff

Would NOT be punishment enough.

-by Bob B (1-11-22)