Wednesday, January 12, 2022

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

No good deed goes unpunished.

I'm sure you've heard that saying before.

You'll find that when people attack you unfairly,

A good reputation is hard to restore.


No matter how hard you work to help

People in dire situations,

There will be folks with an ax to grind

To slam you with lies and accusations.


To push their agenda, they will do

Their best to drag your name through the mud.

Their cunning insinuations will make

It clear that they are out for blood.


You can have the best credentials,

The greatest intentions, a shining career,

Yet some will find a baseless reason

To make you an easy target to smear.


You can put your trust in experts

To gather and hand out expert advice,

And yet the cut-throat carpers will try

To tear you apart without thinking twice.


We see this happen on Capitol Hill

Where such maligners are not hard to find.

A shameless, obnoxious political hack

From the state of Kentucky comes to mind.


Far too many bloodthirsty frauds

Seek noble people to demonize.

We have to rely on a knowing public

To see through the vicious and unfounded lies.

-by Bob B (1-12-22)