Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Conspiracy Fest

The recent anti-vaccine mandate

Rally in Washington, D.C.

Was without a doubt a real

Conspiracy theory potpourri.


Participants' wild speeches and comments

Were off the mark and hard to digest.

People have called the gathering

A regular "conspiracy fest."


Vaccine misinformation was rampant.

First of all, the message gets lost

When life-saving measures are

Insanely compared with the Holocaust.


Blaming the press? Blaming doctors?

Advocating Nuremberg trials?

Evidence of current vaccine

Effectiveness was met with denials.


They don't realize the danger

When vaccine misinformation spreads.

Actually, more people react

Adversely to over-the-counter meds.


Opposing vaccine mandates, however,

Isn't the primary issue at all.

The problem is the dissemination

Of anti-mandate folderol.


It's fair to disagree with mandates

As long as reasons are legit.

But when they're based on baseless lies,

Then the arguments aren't worth spit.


Frankly, the public's safety and health

Are something we shouldn't undermine.

When the next booster comes out,

This guy plans to be first in line.

-by Bob B (1-25-22)