The president would
certainly know
How to unify the
To take the high
road and NOT the low.
But, alas, Trump
just can't
Seem to manage to
set aside
His grievances and
obtusely delivers
A message filled
with cyanide.
An act of domestic
Pipe bombs being
sent through the mail
To Obama, the
Clintons, Holder, and others--
A heinous act that's
not small scale--
Is an attack on
Values--a dangerous
threat to peace.
But when Trump
blames the victims, such
Acts of violence
will not cease.
Yes, he said the
deed was despicable,
But then he blamed
For negative news
reportage and lies.
And so here we go
Even though his
words ring hollow
When he tries to
stay on script,
We can see his true
Come out whenever
his mouth is unzipped.
Accepting no
For negative things he says
or does,
He stirs up his
crowds against other people.
Such behavior gives
him a buzz.
Regarding the
telling of lies, we know
That no politician
Has lied to the
people as often as he.
But will he admit
that he does it? Never!
Both fans and
critics know that for him
The strategy is
always the same:
Berate your critics,
denounce the truth,
Incite your fans,
and pass the blame.
Hopefully, the
future will bring
A president we can
respect again--
An honest one with
We have to put up
with this one till then.
-by Bob B (10-25-18)