Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Insensitivity reigns supreme
At the White House. No, this isn't a dream.
You'd think that one would have more sense.
I guess we can't expect that from Pence.

Two days after eleven died
At a synagogue, shot inside
By an angry extremist--completely hate filled--
Who stated that ALL Jews should be killed,

The vice president, with little regard
For others' beliefs--why's that so hard?--
Introduced a "rabbi" whose views
Aren't respected by practicing Jews

At Lena Epstein's election campaign
In Michigan. Completely insane!
Is Pence defiant, or is he naïve?
Does he not care what others believe?

"Rabbi" Loren has been involved
With Jews for Jesus. They are resolved
To carry out their major ambition:
Converting Jews. Yes, that's their mission.

Many are outraged by the lack
Of sensitivity. Doesn't it smack
Of disrespect, brashness, and cheek--
A real kick in the pants, so to speak?

Do not tell me that reasons abound
Why there were no other rabbis around--
Rabbis whose messages wouldn't collide
With many beliefs of the people who died.

"Rabbi" Loren was there to address
The carnage in Pittsburgh, but also to bless
Republicans wanting a victory nod
From their pro-Republican God.

-by Bob B (10-30-18)