The animals are fit
to be tied.
The actions of the
crafty wolves
Have left the rest
of them horrified.
"How will we
EVER be able
To keep democracy
The antelope asked,
"if the wolves
Don't allow us all
to vote?
"In many
sections of these grasslands,
Shameless wolves are
doing their best
To hold voter
Hostage, keeping
voters suppressed."
"They aim to
control voter turnout,"
The deer added.
"That's their hope.
Their sneaky ways to
Elections push the
“They stall and seek petty reasons
“They stall and seek petty reasons
To take names off
voting lists.
Fair and honest
elections are
In jeopardy if this
"It's so close
to election day,
Our courts are
reluctant to raise objections,"
The buffalo said.
"Some of the wolves
Are even running in
the elections!
"Humph! They
stole a Supreme Court justice.
Then they rammed
another one through.
Now they're still
suppressing voters.
What more damage
will they do?"
"Winnowing down
voter rolls!
Their strategies
should be illegal!"
The fox chimed in.
Looking around,
He asked,
"Where is our dear friend Eagle?"
The absent eagle
wanted no
Responsibility tied
to her name.
She couldn't stop
the out-of-control
Wolves, and hid her
head in shame.
-by Bob B (10-19-18)