And obfuscation, the
Saudis have shed
Their previous
stories, admitting that now
Jamal Khashoggi
indeed is dead.
The last minutes of
the journalist's life
Had to be
He entered the Saudi
Where fifteen or so
men were waiting.
The Saudis say a
fight broke out--
A fistfight during
attempted "rendition."
It's more likely the
fifteen thugs
Were there in
Istanbul on a mission.
It's hard to hear
the Saudis' account
And NOT notice a
major flaw:
A guy would take on
fifteen others,
One of whom had a
If the death was an
Where's the body?
Out with the story!
The Turks say that
Shows an outcome
rather gory.
Denying any
involvement in
Jamal Khashoggi's
gruesome demise,
Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman
Hopes the world
believes their lies.
That's a "big
first step," says Trump,
Sitting with some of
our weapons makers.
Sanctions can't in
any shape
Or form be weapons
deal breakers.
Speaking about a
Who had assaulted a
Just because!--at a
rally, Trump
Said THAT'S his kind
of guy.
"The Trump
Effect" is what it's called,
Encouraging other
leaders to dare
To threaten the
lives of journalists
And stifle free
speech everywhere.
-by Bob B (10-20-18)