Shock, I say--total
What occurred at the
aquarium in recent years.
Some call it the
type of scandal
That violently
shakes two hemispheres.
Henry and Roxy had
been an item.
Much older than she,
Henry was bound
To guard and protect
his little lady.
A more loyal penguin
was hard to be found.
How they loved to
sing together!
He would belt out
and she would intone.
The happy couple
frolicked and preened--
Happy not to be
Molting season came
and Roxy
Experienced her
catastrophic molt.
Henry stood by and
guarded his sweetheart.
Of attentiveness he
lacked not a jolt.
Roxy's feathers soon
And there she was in
all her glory.
Then poor Henry
started his molt.
That's when Floyd
entered the story.
While Henry hid from
penguin view,
Floyd caught Roxy's
His feathers were
back in abundance.
What happened next?
You can surmise.
When Henry's
feathers finally returned,
Floyd had become
Roxy's new mate.
They did what
penguin couples do
While Henry sadly
accepted his fate.
The new family soon
And Henry eventually
found a new friend.
What started out as
an outrageous scandal
Wasn't so horrible
in the end.
Scandals come and
scandals go.
But some of them are
hard to avoid.
Aren't you glad that
you don't molt
Like our friends
Henry and Roxy and Floyd?
(9-23-15) By Bob B