Kim Davis of Rowen County,
Kentucky, is a clerk
Who's paid to issue marriage licenses
At her place of work--
Marriage licenses to ALL couples
Entitled to that doc.
Her reasons for denying some
Are…let's say a crock.
"The public is my boss" is
She told the news last year.
And treating people with respect
Is something she holds dear.
But acting under "God's
Davis has refused
To issue licenses to same-sex couples,
Whose rights are being abused.
Promoting a cause célèbre seems
To be her grand desire.
Now she's only put herself
In the line of fire.
She says she's defending the “sanctity
Of marriage.” What a laugh!
Let's see what her own record has
To say on her behalf:
Five months after divorcing hubby ONE
She gave birth to twins--you see--
Who were adopted by hubby TWO
But fathered by hubby THREE.
Records show that she's married again--
Marriage number FOUR.
Complicated? Yes, BUT
There's something to underscore:
Divorce here is NOT the issue;
The issue is her hypocrisy.
But Davis has it all cleared up
In HER special form of theocracy.
Davis, you say your sins are
"washed clean."
Fine, if that's what you want.
But YOU--defender of the sanctity of
NOT something YOU should flaunt.
NOT something YOU should flaunt.
By Bob B