Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mixed Messages

Word is out that while Pope Francis
Visited the U.S. he secretly met
With the infamous county clerk Kim Davis.
How more awkward can this story get?

In playing the role of persecuted martyr,
Davis is not just splitting hairs;
She insists on preserving her RIGHT
To deny other people THEIRS.

The pope, indeed, has addressed world problems.
His concern for the poor is good, I would say.
But what EVER possessed him to give
The miscreant Davis the time of day?

Various theories attempt to explain
The reason for the bizarre meeting.
It is believed that he was set up.
We do know that the encounter was fleeting.

We hear now, too, of other visits--
Other names on the visitors' roll.
Let's hope that the explanations
Are sincere and not merely damage control.

The pope must deal with contemporary issues.
Ossified dogma endangers us all.
An intolerant world has always had
Dire consequences, if you recall.

In addressing important causes Pope Francis
Has often gone out on a limb;
I hope that he doesn't cave in to pressure
And lose the respect many have for him.

Bigger problems still overshadow
The ones that the pope mentioned while here.
Failure to deal with those key issues
Won't make them disappear.

(9-30-15) By Bob B