Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Breakup for Bentley

SO supportive of "traditional" marriage
Is Alabama Governor Bentley
That he speaks out against same-sex
Unions, which he attacks intently.

According to him, "non-traditional"
Marriages deny the children to be
Connected to their biological
Parents. But, he fails to see

That "biological" is REALLY not
The operative word. Bentley's wrong.
Many loving relationships aren't
Biological, and yet they're strong.

In addition, not all married
Couples plan to have children, so
Let's remember: many reasons
For getting married are apropos.

Bentley claims that the ONLY way
For ALL is the biblical marriage arrangement,
Which, in his particular case,
Has become a conjugal estrangement.

Yes, Bentley is getting a divorce.
So much of his talk is pure baloney.
His wife says that he "destroys
The legitimate aims of matrimony."

So that which Bentley can't make work
For himself he would like to deny
Others from having--a loving, caring
Marriage commitment. What a guy!

Would Bentley's ideal biblical marriage
Perhaps be more along the lines
Of that of King Solomon who--they say--
Had ONE THOUSAND wives and concubines?

(9-1-15) By Bob B