Wednesday, October 29, 2014

So You Want to Vote? Sorry!

The attack on voters has succeeded
In Texas--just to name one state.
Thousands of voters have been disenfranchised.
Thinking voters should be irate.

Politicians have craftily managed
To make it harder for people to vote,
Despite the fact that the probability
Of voting abuse is extremely remote.

Some news stations are creating scenarios
Of voter fraud--absurd allegations--
In efforts to justify voter suppression
Through suppositions and false accusations.

Got a gun permit? You are safe.
You can vote; you're a lucky duck.
You only have a student I.D.?
Sorry, but you're out of luck.

In a democracy you'd think our strategy
Would lead in the other direction, which means
We WOULDN'T discourage people from voting
And blow voting rights to smithereens.

Why discourage our citizens from voting?
Why are some politicians so distrusting?
Those are rhetorical questions, really.
The answers are obvious and quite disgusting.
