Thursday, October 9, 2014

Media Clowns

Media clowns like Rush Limbaugh…
Take them seriously? No way!
Their preposterous far-right ramblings:
Contorted thoughts in disarray;

Rank speculations housing
Tumid truculence and bloated blather;
Conspiracy theories NOT factually-
Based, but on deception, rather.

What is it--mental illness?
Insecurity? potty training?--
That causes such anomalous behavior,
So destructive and disdaining?

What causes them to perpetrate
Scurrilous attacks with such lethality?
How could people be so diabolical
And out of touch with reality?

With shootings, beheadings, wars, disease,
And climate change--all so grim--
At least Limbaugh's rantings and ravings
Allow us to laugh at him.

By Bob B (10-9-14)