Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Drugs of Preference

Some don't want to be awakened
From their peaceful slumber
And choose not to hear the existing truths
That overwhelmingly outnumber

The copious, complacent fairy tales
That fill their lives and dreams
And hold them hostage from the facts
Completely, or so it seems.

Their sleeping pill is called "Not Caring."
It's cheap and easy to find.
It dulls the senses and provides the user
With a perfidious peace of mind.

A stronger pill called "Oblivion"
Is also widely available.
Those who take it think that their lack
Of involvement is unassailable.

Stronger yet is a pill called "Forgetfulness."
Many prefer that pill,
Which allows them the blissful ability
To forget anything at will.

So cheap they are--these drugs of preference--
That they have found their niche;
And furthermore, they don't discriminate
Between the poor and rich.

Instead of listening to the cries of the world--
Of injustice, of inhumanity--
Many prefer to sleep in indifference.
Now that's what I call insanity!

By Bob B (10-22-14)