The travel-weary pilgrim trudged
Onward toward his goal--
Hoping to find peace and comfort
For his questioning soul.
Uphill and downhill, through
forests and fields,
Step by step he plodded
Upon the blistering path. While
Fellow pilgrims, he nodded.
Beating down upon him the sun--
Merciless, piercing, terrible--
Made each step an agonizing
Ordeal--harsh and unbearable.
A restful night at a hostel or
Was refuge from the pain
Of hours and hours of walking through
The sweltering heat or rain.
Some days were kinder--the sun
was gentle,
The breeze was soft and cool.
He'd stop and gaze at the blue
sky above him
And wash his feet in a pool.
But usually hungry and thirsty he
Hoping not to find
That after hours of walking and
He'd left something behind.
Loosening the cutting strap of
his backpack
And giving his dry lips a lick,
He carefully wiped his dripping
And clutched his walking stick.
If his pilgrimage didn't bring
Closer to God, it would
At least bring him closer to
And that alone would be good.