Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Watch the Christian Nationalists


Watch the Christian nationalists

Trudge across the land--

Quoting from their Bibles,

With the book in hand.

Poisoning the minds of

People as they go.

They won't stop until they make their

Rules the status quo.



Watch the Christian nationalists

Trudge across the land--

Quoting from their Bibles,

With the book in hand.



As they watch diversity

Spread in many ways,

They will push their dogma

With the funds they raise.

Say good-bye to equal rights

As they march along.

They think God's on THEIR side, so they

Can do nothing wrong.





Scorning Jews and Muslims

Is their common thread.

They hope they will vanquish

Foes with lies they spread.

Look into their hearts and you’ll

See through their façade.

Blending church and state, they want

A country ruled by God.





Folks like Mastriano°

And like M.T. Greene°°

Are among the wackiest

People we have seen.

As they speak their gibberish--

Each deceptive word--

They with their pretentiousness

Can't help being absurd.





If perchance your lifestyle is

One that they condemn,

You deserve no freedoms if

You don't think like them.

They don't seem to care to

Love and to forgive.

They do not believe in concepts

Like live and let live.



Watch the Christian nationalists

Trudge across the land--

Quoting from their Bibles,

With the book in hand.

-by Bob B (7-26-22)


°Doug Mastriano - far-right gubernatorial nominee in Pennsylvania

°°Marjorie Taylor Greene - far-right conspiracy theorist and U.S. representative from Georgia