Monday, July 25, 2022

The Depth of Meaning

Our terms often overlap

And merge in different ways.

Attempts to see connections have us

Wandering through a maze.


Often we walk the path together;

At times we walk apart.

Does the heart shape truth, or does

Truth direct the heart?


Names are arbitrary, and our

Interpretations vary.

It's when they clash that circumstances

Move from sound to scary.


Sometimes we will go off course

Or stumble as we go.

As long as we can learn from our

Mistakes then we can grow.


Our path through life should constantly

Encourage us to seek

Answers that will penetrate

The depth of life's mystique.


Once the answer's clear to us,

We've reached a higher level.

Enlightenment then equates to God

And ignorance to the Devil.

-by Bob B (7-25-22)