Thursday, July 28, 2022

For Goodness' Sake, Vote!

Vote, everybody!

Vote to protect

Women's right to choose.

Vote to slow down

Climate change.

Otherwise, we all lose.


Vote to preserve


Marriage rights for all.

Vote to save


In our election this fall.


Vote to uphold

The rule of law.

Do NOT lower the bar.

Make all people


No matter WHO they are.


Vote to protect

The environment

From damage and abuse.

Vote to defend

The Constitution

From dangerous misuse.


Vote to fix

Our broken system

Of immigration laws.

Vote against those

Who aim to put

Human rights on pause.


Vote for folks

Who are loyal to

Our Constitution and try

To do what's right.

Don't be fooled

By candidates who lie.

Vote for effective

Gun laws that make

Our country a safer place.

Vote to give kids

A good education.

That's something we should embrace.

Vote so we

Can have more judges

Who do not impose

Extremist views

Upon the people.

We have too many of those.


Vote for a system

Of fair taxation--

A workable system in which

All people

Can benefit

And NOT just the rich.


Vote to support


So much is at stake.

Don't give in

To apathy!

Vote, for goodness' sake!

-by Bob B (7-28-22)