Sunday, July 31, 2022

The 2020 Election Plot

As loads of information emerge,

We see the tactics Trump was using

If he didn't win the election:

To STEAL it IF he thought he was losing.


Lawsuits Claiming Election Fraud


First, he filed his frivolous lawsuits.

One by one, they were dismissed.

Trumped up charges don't hold water.

The evidence just didn't exist.


Fake Electors


Then he resorted to fake electors--

Another carefully thought-out plot.

His fraudulent scammers would help him win.

At least, that is what he thought.


Using States to Overturn Votes


Fake electors didn't work;

Therefore, Trump asked certain states

Not to certify the results.

That would have put us in dire straits.


He called many legislators

And asked them all to cancel votes.

Since they'd love to keep him in power,

He knew that would float their boats.


Using Congress to Overturn Votes


So then Trump urged his sycophants

In Congress, "Please, do what you can

To help me win!" And some of them even

Tried to help the desperate man.


DOJ Interference


Claiming widespread election fraud,

He asked Bill Barr to get to the heart of it,

But since there was no evidence,

The DOJ would have no part of it.


Using the Military


Using his unscrupulous lawyers,

He tried to concoct another means

To keep his power. The military,

He thought, could seize the voting machines!


Sabotage on January 6


That idea hit a brick wall.

Still lacking ethical sense,

He decided to pull off his scam

By putting pressure on Michael Pence.


On January 6 Trump's mobs

Stormed the Capitol, trying to

Sabotage the election process--

Basically, performing a coup.


As Trump watched the chaos on his TV,

For three hours no one could sway him

To call off the mobs. His major concern?

How could Michael Pence betray him?


And Now What?


A long, premeditated scheme

To steal an election is what occurred.

Criminal intent appears

To be so clear from all that we've heard.


If folks aren't held accountable,

Concerned people have the impression

That what transpired at the Capitol

Will end up being a training session--


A training session for coups in the future.

If that happens, it will devour

Our democratic system and end

America's peaceful transfer of power.

-by Bob B (7-31-22)

Acknowledgments: Many thanks to Ari M.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

For Goodness' Sake, Vote!

Vote, everybody!

Vote to protect

Women's right to choose.

Vote to slow down

Climate change.

Otherwise, we all lose.


Vote to preserve


Marriage rights for all.

Vote to save


In our election this fall.


Vote to uphold

The rule of law.

Do NOT lower the bar.

Make all people


No matter WHO they are.


Vote to protect

The environment

From damage and abuse.

Vote to defend

The Constitution

From dangerous misuse.


Vote to fix

Our broken system

Of immigration laws.

Vote against those

Who aim to put

Human rights on pause.


Vote for folks

Who are loyal to

Our Constitution and try

To do what's right.

Don't be fooled

By candidates who lie.

Vote for effective

Gun laws that make

Our country a safer place.

Vote to give kids

A good education.

That's something we should embrace.

Vote so we

Can have more judges

Who do not impose

Extremist views

Upon the people.

We have too many of those.


Vote for a system

Of fair taxation--

A workable system in which

All people

Can benefit

And NOT just the rich.


Vote to support


So much is at stake.

Don't give in

To apathy!

Vote, for goodness' sake!

-by Bob B (7-28-22)

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Watch the Christian Nationalists


Watch the Christian nationalists

Trudge across the land--

Quoting from their Bibles,

With the book in hand.

Poisoning the minds of

People as they go.

They won't stop until they make their

Rules the status quo.



Watch the Christian nationalists

Trudge across the land--

Quoting from their Bibles,

With the book in hand.



As they watch diversity

Spread in many ways,

They will push their dogma

With the funds they raise.

Say good-bye to equal rights

As they march along.

They think God's on THEIR side, so they

Can do nothing wrong.





Scorning Jews and Muslims

Is their common thread.

They hope they will vanquish

Foes with lies they spread.

Look into their hearts and you’ll

See through their façade.

Blending church and state, they want

A country ruled by God.





Folks like Mastriano°

And like M.T. Greene°°

Are among the wackiest

People we have seen.

As they speak their gibberish--

Each deceptive word--

They with their pretentiousness

Can't help being absurd.





If perchance your lifestyle is

One that they condemn,

You deserve no freedoms if

You don't think like them.

They don't seem to care to

Love and to forgive.

They do not believe in concepts

Like live and let live.



Watch the Christian nationalists

Trudge across the land--

Quoting from their Bibles,

With the book in hand.

-by Bob B (7-26-22)


°Doug Mastriano - far-right gubernatorial nominee in Pennsylvania

°°Marjorie Taylor Greene - far-right conspiracy theorist and U.S. representative from Georgia

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


A rep° from the state of PA

Who has a son who is gay

Voted to kill

A marriage bill

And gave gay unions a nay.


Three days after his vote--

Everyone please take note--

He didn't disparage

His son's same-sex marriage,

In fact, here is a quote:


He said he was "thrilled to attend"

The wedding and didn't descend

Into causing a schism

With harsh criticism

And seemed to be thrilled in the end.


By catering to his factions

And causing major distractions,

He showed his true being,

For what we are seeing

Are HIS hypocritical actions.


-by Bob B (7-26-22)

°Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA), who voted against a bill to codify protections for same-sex unions

Monday, July 25, 2022

The Depth of Meaning

Our terms often overlap

And merge in different ways.

Attempts to see connections have us

Wandering through a maze.


Often we walk the path together;

At times we walk apart.

Does the heart shape truth, or does

Truth direct the heart?


Names are arbitrary, and our

Interpretations vary.

It's when they clash that circumstances

Move from sound to scary.


Sometimes we will go off course

Or stumble as we go.

As long as we can learn from our

Mistakes then we can grow.


Our path through life should constantly

Encourage us to seek

Answers that will penetrate

The depth of life's mystique.


Once the answer's clear to us,

We've reached a higher level.

Enlightenment then equates to God

And ignorance to the Devil.

-by Bob B (7-25-22)