Thursday, February 3, 2022

Your Element



What stands out as your element?

Do you shine and inspire?

Do you radiate confidence?

If so, you're probably FIRE.


Then you'll show initiative,

Enthusiasm, and strength.

You'll be fearless, blunt, and outgoing,

Encouraging others at length.


You might be impatient at times,

And maybe you like to lead.

Others might find it difficult

To keep up with your speed.




Or maybe AIR is more your thing,

In which case you will find

A rational objectivity

Brings order to your mind.


Curious about the world,

You'll crave for understanding.

Being allowed to express yourself

Will never be too demanding.


Relationships are important to you,

And so is sociability.

Loving concepts and principles, you'll

Demonstrate mental agility.




Perhaps WATER defines you more.

Reflection will be the balm

Protecting you from outer chaos

And giving you inner calm.


You'll tend to trust your intuition,

And empathy will guide you.

Your sensitive nature will like the comfort

That secrecy can provide you.


Being involved emotionally

With others is a must.

Your compassionate heart will give you

Advice on whom to trust.




And then there's EARTH. If that's you,

Your patience will be key.

Caution makes you always want

To seek a guarantee.


Extremely practical in nature,

Stable and dependable,

You might sometimes go too far

And then become unbendable.


Attuned to much of the physical world

With heightened physical senses,

Your self-discipline and grit

Have fruitful consequences.




What is your dominant element,

Which you should make your friend--


Or are you a marvelous blend?

-by Bob B (2-3-22)