Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Black History Month 2022

On February 1 each year,

Black History Month begins.

Major contributions of Blacks

Are praised, and everybody wins.


But yesterday, we heard the shocking

Reports on the nightly TV news

That fourteen--yes, fourteen!--bomb threats

Occurred at this country's HBCUs.°


Threatening lives and causing disruptions

At Black institutions of learning,

The culprits' hateful acts display

Behavior that is highly concerning.


And at the same time, many states

Are passing laws that sadly embrace

Innocuous and unrealistic

Ways that teachers can talk about race.


If educators are forced to cover

U.S. history insincerely,

Students won't learn the truth of our past,

And Americans will suffer dearly.


So why Black History Month?

What started as an important endeavor

To recognize accomplishments

Is now needed more than ever.


-by Bob B (2-2-22)

°Historically Black Colleges and Universities