Thursday, February 24, 2022

Stand with Ukraine!

Russian aggressors made their move.

Now they're in Ukraine.

What is Putin trying to prove?

What is there to gain?

The autocrat's messages are cloaked

In lies that Russia was provoked.


Stand with Ukraine as Russian forces

Put Putin's plan into action.

We already know that this of course is

More than a mere infraction.

Playing the role of boogeyman

Is part of Putin's larger plan.


Putin claims his forces are there

To stop denazification.

The argument, which is full of holes,

Is total fabrication.

We already know that he's obsessed

With Ukraine's interest in the West.


We watch as the egomaniac

Causes death and destruction

With this unwarranted attack--

Another Putin production!

Stand with Ukraine in this sad hour

As Putin basks in his ill-gotten power.

-by Bob B (2-24-22)